Total Transformation
Service Description
You’ve been everywhere. You’ve seen everyone. You still have no answers. You’ll want the Total Transformation Package. You’ll get six months with me. We’ll meet every week. You’ll also get five of the most cutting-edge functional lab tests available. Answers found here. Are you at your wits end? Feel like you are stuck on a cycle of trial and error, trying anything and everything to feel and look better? You have possibly been living with poor health and weight frustration for a while and it is time to get real answers and real results. Or maybe you are just that go-getter, self-improvement junkie that wants to be the best version of you! Then this program is right up your alley. In this program we will do a full blown investigation of your health using functional lab testing and questionnaires; diving even deeper into your dietary needs, along with looking at possible underlying imbalances in your hormone, immune, gut, and detoxification systems. Along with my lifestyle change recommendations you will also get a customized food list specifically designed to support your body where it needs it most. We will work together over the course of about 9 months to help you fully transform into the healthiest and happiest version of you!
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